Frank Kern – Mass Conversions New Update
Here’s a fraction of what you’ll learn:
How to make money-You can attract the perfect prospects with magnet assets and be positioned as a celebrity.-authority.
A functional list can be created-Get “machine” This will automatically bring in new prospects.
Automated, behavioral dynamic marketing campaigns can convert new subscribers to buyers and position you as an authority while building goodwill.
Advanced NLP language patterns are available for hypnotic persuasion.
Templates to create sales videos and letters that convert
How to make group sales presentations that engage, motivate, inspire, and sell like crazy!
Updates to modules 2 and 4 – A couple of new videos and swipe files.
Coaching Calls – All Q&A calls by Frank Kern You can contact him from the June or August classes. Each module requires at least 2 calls.
2-Day Live Event Frank Kern!!!
Guest speakers
Ryan Deiss
Andy Jenkins
Roland Fraiser
Jason Hornung
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